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domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010

ABSTRACT da minha tese de mestrado

An essential question always was reason of quarrel between theoreticians, society and educators, which would be the ideal methodology that would develop the educandos of integral form, preparing them in fact for this entangling real world. In this way to the form to learn in the schools it passed for you vary metodológicas situations since traditional the new school, standing out that all these actions objectified to offer educating the one to learn pleasant. In the last few decades it appears to the learning through the pedagogia of projects, that brought in its bulge a learning to interdisciplinar, where the education happened of real However although this renewal in the pertaining to school scope, is perceived that one of the biggest impediments faced for the educandos happened when adentrar to Superior Ensino, where of certain form will give to its initiation the scientific research, where the same it does not get an adequate preparation aiming at this new reality.form One of the facts also evidenced ë the low index of scientific production in Latin America and Brazil, according to some theoreticians these is directly on to the practised form of learning in the schools of Basic Education, arriving to affirm that while in the developed countries the educandos search in Latin America the educandos study In summary, one to learn unproductive. To create facilitadoras alternatives for the learning in the schools, based through the scientific methodology, can produce instruments that add values and meanings to the learning process being primordial to become this idea in reality in the Institutions of Basic Education . The proposal presented here aims at to prove that the Insertion of the Initiation the Scientific Research in the Infantile Education and Basic Education, oportuniza the formation of researchers, thus fomenting the scientific creation in our countrThus the objective of this research and to disclose the pedagogical action carried through in the modalities of education of the Infantile Education and Basic Education in the School Municipalizada Golden Leôncio Piresy , that through the Initiation the Research revolutionized the pertaining to school space providing to the educandos and educators physical space adjusted and didactic strategies that favored one to learn first dynamic and searching stimulating them in the construction of its knowledge, assisting them in its technological and pedagogical, proportionate progress scientific for its life educational and based later on its professional life In such a way a pautada experience theoretically in the ideas of, Vygotsky, Piaget, Ausubel, Dewey was created, Kilpatrick, Hernandez, Pablo Freire, Marcos Bagno, Jorge Santos Martins and Peter Demon, where the Initiation the Scientific Research, added the Pedagogia de Projetos, will facilitate the process of initial learning, and posteoriomente will contribute with the dissemination of diverse science and technology in the aerial of knowledge
Words-Key - Learning. Initiation the scientific research. Infantile education. Basic education. Sciences and technology.

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